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Creating Your Vision Board - Creating a Life You Love

Writer: Nichola PyrkosNichola Pyrkos

Updated: Dec 23, 2024

Vision Board

In a previous blog I outlined the End of Year Life Review, a personal development tool used for preparing ourselves mentally for the year ahead for the purpose of consciously creating the kind of life experiences we want to be having. A tool that works beautifully alongside the End of Year Review is the Vision Board - a visual representation of all the things/ experiences/ feelings we want to bring into our lives as we move into the new year. In this blog I will explain more about what a Vision Board is, how it works, the theory behind it, obstacles which inhibit the power of a Vision Board and manifesting in general, and tips for creating your own board so that you too can create a life experience you can love and be proud of. But first...

What is a Vision Board & How Does it Work?

Vision Boards have become all the rage with 'woke' millennials and New Age spiritual students, who use them on the premise that they can 'manifest' whatever their heart desires using what is commonly referred to as the Law of Attraction, a concept made popular by the Rhonda Byrne book The Secret. Vision Boards also happen to be a helpful tool in Transformational Life Coaching which I often prescribe my clients to help them make progress with their goals and dreams. But how does it work?

According to the Law of Attraction we attract/mirror into our external lives a reflection of what is happening in our internal world through our 'energetic vibration'. If we want to attract something into our lives, we need to be in alignment with what we want. That means we must BELIEVE that we are worthy and capable of attaining what we want, and BELIEVE that life will bring it into our reality. If we want a new car, a holiday, a new job or relationship for example, we would have to TRUST and KNOW that we are able to attain these things and even FEEL as if we already have what we want. Ultimately, making our goals and dreams a reality is about FAITH!

By focusing our attention on the object of our hearts desire consistently, we align our thoughts, feelings and actions with what we want. Over time the distance between where we are and where we want to get to becomes shorter, and as long as we focus out time, energy and attention consistently on what we want, we will eventually attract it into our lives and make it our reality.

So I know what you’re thinking…"how the hell do I feel or believe I have something right now that I physically don’t"? This is where the Vision Board comes in... A Vision Board is traditionally a collage of photos, pictures, words, quotes etc which represent the things, feelings and experiences that we want to bring into our lives. It can be constructed electronically on a phone or PC/laptop; or manually by cutting out pictures and attaching them to a board, making it as detailed as possible, and displaying it somewhere where we can see it daily. It’s similar to creating a gift wish list, but specific about the different things we want to manifest in the key areas of our lives e.g. relationships, travel, money, health, career etc. It is a personal representation of our heart's desire. It’s meant to be a fun and imaginative process which creates excitement for what is to come; if it's not fun then it should be left for another time.

Vision Board

Vision Boards help create a clear vision and focus for what we want. By looking at it daily, it helps programme the subconscious mind to align our thoughts, feelings and actions with what we see and want. If you wanted to go to Bali for example, but you tell yourself 'it’s too expensive, you can’t get the time off work or find someone to look after the kids, or it’s too fancy and your family will judge you', then you will not take a single step towards experiencing this dream! But if you were reminded day after day of how beautiful Bali is, why you want to go there, the experiences you would have there and how amazing it will feel when you are there, then you are more likely to start taking steps towards making it your reality. You will begin researching, enquiring, having conversations, saving money, working extra hours, looking into childcare etc. Because the more we want something, the higher the level of pleasure associated with it and the lower any risk or pain elements will be perceived. As a result we can start thinking more rationally about ways to overcome any obstacles which may be standing in our way, therefore moving us closer to our ultimate goal.

Essentially a Vision Board can help us create the neural pathways in the brain and the electromagnetic impulses in the body, needed to move us towards what we want. And once we learn how to attract what we want into our lives, the world becomes our canvas which we can paint however we choose.

Tips for Creating & Using a Vision Board

Tip 1. Complete your Review of the Year or a Life Coaching Evaluation tool first – be clear on, where you are now, what you want and why you want it?

Tip 2. Put aside an hour to collate pictures, photos, quotes etc of the things/feelings/experiences you want to bring into your life. Google Images and Pinterest are great for inspirational photos and quotes if you are creating a digital board, but you can use magazines, or posts from social media to create your manual board.

Tip 3. Attach photos etc on a manual board with blue tac or pins, because you’re allowed to change your mind and tweak your board as things progress; or you can save them electronically on your phone/computer as a collage. Don’t forget to attach a photo of yourself in the middle of your board (yeeess it’s cheesy, but your brain needs to connect you with the things you want).

Tip 4. Take a photo of your finished masterpiece and save it as your phone wallpaper and computer screensaver, so that you see it daily (whether consciously or subconsciously).

Tip 5. Print your Vision Board and display it in your bedroom, on your dresser, or if you have a space for meditating in your home. Spend a few minutes first thing when you wake up and just before falling asleep (when the subconscious mind is most receptive) to focus on your Vision Board – try and imagine how it will feel to have what you want, what would it mean to you, how it would change your life and/or the lives of the people you care about in the most positive ways. You know you're doing it right when you have a big smile on your face during your visualisation; if you shed a tear of joy or two then you've cracked it!

Tip 6. If you want to ramp up your manifesting ability, hold the items on your Vision Board in your mind’s eye whilst meditating, or use it as a prop to focus your attention on whilst meditating - when your mind is in a theta state it's as good as self-hypnosis .

Tip 7. And don’t forget to feel gratitude for what you already have. Wanting something new often goes hand in hand with not wanting what we have, which creates over-attachment to the desired outcome, pressure and consequently resistance. When we are grateful for what we have, life will always give us more to be grateful for due to life's mirroring effect. Gratitude is a powerful tool and should be practiced with emotion. Placing your hand on your heart and saying out loud what you are thankful for can help amplify the feeling; imagining not having something in your life can also increase your feelings of gratitude that you do have. What are you thankful for today?

Gratitude Quote

Have fun with your Vision Boards, and remember…if you do feel stuck in life, or that you don’t know what you want, or that there are too many obstacles getting in the way (including YOU!) and you would like to explore whether Transformational Life Coaching is right for you, click the button below and request a FREE Life Coaching Consultation with myself.

It only takes one decision to change your life...are you ready to transform yours?

Nichola Pyrkos - The Mindful Life Coach UK


My Name is Nichola Pyrkos, I am a Transformational Life Coach & Mindfulness Facilitator, a Psychology and Social Work graduate, and my mission is to empower people to consciously create a life they can love, whilst developing the resilience needed to weather any storm. Follow me on Instagram @mindfullifecoachuk and head on over to my website to find out about the range of services I offer, including bespoke Life Coaching programmes tailor-made for individual clients to fast-track their learning, healing and personal growth.


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